
Change the culture of policing

  • According to President's Task Force on 21st Century Policing, law enforcement culture should protect the dignity and human rights of all, to be the protectors and champions of the Constitution. This rethinking of the role of police in a democracy requires leadership and commitment across law enforcement organizations to ensure internal and external policies, practices, and procedures that guide individual officers and make organizations more accountable to the communities they serve.

Ensure fair and impartial policing

  • Procedural justice is based on four principles: (1) treating people with dignity and respect, (2) giving individuals “voice” during encounters, (3) being neutral and transparent in decision making, and (4) conveying trustworthy motives. In addition to practicing procedural justice, understanding the negative impact of explicit and implicit bias on police-community relations and then taking constructive actions to train officers and the community on how to recognize and mitigate are key factors.

Building community capital

  • Trust and legitimacy grow from positive interactions based on more than just enforcement interactions. Law enforcement agencies can achieve trust and legitimacy by establishing a positive presence at community activities and events, participating in proactive problem-solving, and ensuring that communities have a voice and seat at the table working with officers. 

Community Engagement

Community Engagement is a integral part our society. It is how people interact and engage daily to bring autonomy and normalcy to their communities. Community Engagement is he process of working collaboratively with and through groups of people affiliated by geographic proximity, special interest, or similar situations to address issues affecting the well-being of those people It is a powerful vehicle for bringing about environmental and behavioral changes that will improve the health of the community and its members It often involves partnerships and coalitions that help mobilize resources and influence systems, change relationships among partners, and serve as catalysts for changing policies, programs, and practices (CDC, 1997).

Youth Empowerment Initiative: Building Bright Futures

Although we are tasked with the safety of the community, we must invest in our youth to build bright futures and bold outlooks. 

  • I am committed to engaging in a Youth Empowerment Initiative centered around youth. Whether its is academics, athletics or community involvement, I’m here to assist in providing resources.
  • Crime Prevention and voiding trouble.
  • Anti-Bullying Seminars 
  • Understanding and Preventing Delinquency 
  • Exploring Resources provided by the City and Parish
  • Mental Health for Children